The Mechanical systems are a very important component in the 5×4 Project building. This balanced mechanical system provides us with fresh, filtered air all year round, and can recover up to 95% of heating and cooling throughout the building. The components have all been carefully chosen to work in harmony wiht each other, creating the most efficient and sustainable system possible.
Archive for the ‘Ventilation’ Category
Parts of our Mechanical System
Blower Door Test
It’s no use trying to create an airtight home if you don’t know how airtight it actually is!
To help us find out how we had gone as far as making our building airtight, John from Efficiency Matrix came round to conduct a Blower Door Test.
- Door Fan
- Assessing the ACH
Part of the test is wrapping or covering the obvious places where the air would be leaking – so all the windows and doors. (more…)
The process of air-tightening the building has begun!
On top of the external layer of Spaceloft insulation sits the Pro Clima, the exterior airtight layer as advised by Passive House Australia.
This was boarded roughly in place, and then taped at all the edges and joins to create an airtight wrap around the whole building.
- Pro Clima
- Wrapping tape
- Window wrap
Not surprisingly, the windows proved to be the tricky parts, although it was very important that we had a completely airtight building so as to utilise both the geothermal heat as well as the heat recovery system from Passive House. (more…)